建筑学专业优秀个人陈述赏析建筑学是一个横跨工程技术和人文艺术的学科。该专业毕业生凭借其建筑知识,结合环境的特点以及当地历史、社会、文化、经济等因素,塑造既能解决实际的问题,又能为人们提供方便、实现资源最大化利用的建筑。说到建筑学申请,除了常规的申请资料外,还有作品集、成绩单认证、个人陈述、面试等,所以一份出彩的个人陈述无疑是非常重要的。小编从已经被建筑学相关课程录取的学生那里收集了一些建筑学专业的personal statement,稍作整理,分享给大家。Architecture Personal StatementSubmitted by Thomas
From a young age, I knew that I would pursue a career in design. Whether it was creating and designing my flawless dream car or producing my own handcrafted mechanical paper guns; scissors, a roll of cello-tape, and a set of colouring pencils were the main tools that never left my hands. However, it was only until recently that I decided to guide my career path in the direction of Architecture.读第一句时,我们不免认为:看来无论是中国人还是外国人都喜欢用“小时候”作为PS开头。然后第二句便使我们大为改观。申请人用具体的工具、具体的设计对象使小时候对设计的热爱变得不再空洞,读者脑海中仿佛能呈现手握剪刀、胶带和彩色铅笔进行设计的小小少年。最后一句是点睛之笔,不仅点明建筑学的专业方向,还勾起读者的兴趣:为什么最近决定从事建筑学了呢?Having completed a work experience placement at McCready Architects, one of Northern Ireland's leading architectural practices, I acquired vital knowledge and experience of what it’s really like to work as a professional Architect. In the office, I was given the opportunity to use ArchiCAD, a specialist CAD package used to produce 3-dimensional sketches of structures and buildings. This was the highlight of my work experience as I was able to apply the CAD skills I gained from my A-Level Technology and Design course, and put them into practice. I learnt that there is a lot more to being an Architect than just design. Overall, this was a great opportunity as it highlighted to me the practical side, as well as the technical side of the profession, and gave me an insight into the life of an Architect.这一段的设置很巧妙,把重要的内容放到重要的位置,既回答了第一段读者的疑问:是因为在McCready工作的经历使申请人最终决定在建筑行业谋职,又向招生官展示了自己相关的实践经验,以及对专业技术的掌握。My interest in Architecture became focused last year when I went on a weekend trip to London. Here, I was given to chance to observe and appreciate the outstanding, beautiful structures and buildings that the city had to offer. Canary Wharf, was the most thrilling part of the trip for me. Its modern, futuristic style opened my eyes to the skill and craftsmanship behind the jaw-dropping structures and buildings the area had to offer.这一段接着向前追溯自己的建筑学的兴趣,但由于它是发生在旅行中,而且对城市建筑的鉴赏又带有个人主观色彩,并不像上一段那么有“干货”,所以无论是篇幅还是位置都刚刚好。The modern side of Architecture especially appeals to me; however, this trip also gave me a chance to admire many of the historical monuments and landmarks such as Big Ben and St Paul's Cathedral. Seeing the difference between the styles in the various parts of the city sparked something within me, a desire to pursue a career in Architecture. As well as studying for my A-levels, it is important to me to have a good balance between working hard in school and other extra-curricular activities. One of my favourite things to do in my spare time would definitely be playing the drums.虽然还是继续上一段的内容,但明显这段起到了一个过渡的作用。将对建筑学的兴趣直接上升到追求建筑事业的愿望。但是“As well as”之后的部分小编个人觉得衔接的不是很好,与前面篇幅的主题不一致,有些突兀。它似乎更适合放在下一段,毕竟下一段将着重描写课外活动、兴趣爱好等。As well as playing along to my favourite bands, I am presently working towards gaining my grade 8 qualification. I have had the opportunity to play at many recitals for the Lisburn School of Music, and an Open Day for my school. Playing in a band with other members is quite a challenge but helps me display my coordination skills and work effectively with other band members to put on a top performance. I would also consider myself quite an active person as I play hockey for my school's 1st XI. Playing hockey not only keeps me fit, but has also helped me gain and improve my communication and team-working skills which are important attributes needed on and off the pitch. Being in the sixth form and realising that it is important to set a good example, I put myself forward and was elected as a school Prefect. This gives me the responsibility to look out for the younger pupils so they can see me as a figure they can look up to. These are key qualities that would serve me well for this course.通过一些乐队、冰球、班干部的具体事例,强调个人品质,这种描写手法在文书里是比较提倡的,如用乐队演奏来表现团队合作能力。I would love to pursue a career in Architecture because it will allow me to bring together all of my strengths; determination and a growth mindset, enthusiasm and a positive attitude, creativity and a fascination for the field of art. Studying Architecture is a prospect that I am looking forward to and I am very excited for the wide array of career opportunities that this course will offer me. My dream is to be behind a structure or design that people will one day stop to admire.尾端是对整篇文章的升华,提到了为什么想学建筑以及职业目标。